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The Peoria Park District works every day to evolve to meet the changing needs of our community!  What’s ParkPossible?  Anything that we can collectively think of!  On this page, you’ll find additional information on current projects/ideas/possibilities that we want to share and imagine with you, our PPD family.  Our goal is to be transparent with our information and provide updates as often as possible to keep you in the know!

We invite YOU to engage with us through this site to learn more about our work and to provide your feedback and ideas so that we create the best possible Peoria Park District.

As we dream together, we have to balance fun and fiscal responsibility; to continue to be bold and innovative while serving our users in the best possible ways; and to evolve and grow with our community. We very much look forward to the community conversation that is an essential part of our process.

Upcoming Opportunities for public input/discussion:

We invite you to join us each Friday at 10am for a 10 minute live Q&A with staff. You can pre-submit questions to us via Facebook or during the live in the comments!

Help Us Build the Lakeview Park Splash Pad! The Peoria Park District invites YOU to share your opinions! Help us select the colors and splashy fun elements of our future Lakeview Park Splash Pad (coming Spring 2025!) It’s simple: share your opinions and we’ll do the rest! Responses are due by May 16. Thank you!

Results will be compiled and a finalized plan will be submitted to the Board of Trustees for approval in late May!

Other Information:

If you have any other questions about ongoing projects, please contact us here!

To see a list of all of our projects currently out to bid, please click here!

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Hit the Trails!

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Explore our pools and splash pads!

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